An Interdisciplinary Conference on Aesthetics, Education and the Arts – Call for Papers

Organised by the University of Liverpool and the Bluecoat Gallery in collaboration with National Museums Liverpool, FACT, METAL, and Liverpool Biennial, this 2-day event brings together philosophers, artists, education theorists, museum professionals, policy makers and practitioners in order to explore and develop education programmes and practices for children and families in galleries and art organisations.

They welcome short papers (15-20 minutes) from artists, curators, educators, policy makers and academics from a range of disciplines responding to the general theme of arts education for young children and/or families. Prospective themes include, but are not limited to, the following.

–       Arts and Well Being: Aesthetic Engagement as a Catalyst for Personal Development.

–       Museums, Galleries and the ‘Educational Turn’: A 21st Century Perspective.

–       Philosophy and Aesthetics for Children.

–       Measuring the Efficacy of Arts Education in the Academy and the Artworld.

–       Learning Outside of the Classroom: What’s Special About Gallery Education?

–       The Arts and Intellectual Emancipation: Preventing Stultification and Alienation in Galleries.

–       Outreach and Diversity: How Can Education Expand the Reach of the Arts?

The deadline for abstracts is Weds 22nd May 2013. Please email anonymised abstracts of around 300 words to Shaun May at We aim to inform all applicants about our decision within a week after this deadline. For more information please email Shaun May at, Dr. Panayiota Vassilopoulou at or visit our website:

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