Spirit of Manchester Awards – deadline for nominations 30th April 2018

The Spirit of Manchester Awards, run since 2013, celebrate and highlight all the excellent work being carried out in Manchester’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. There are hundreds of charities and community groups all across the city and thousands of local people at work every day to support our communities.

This year’s Spirit of Manchester Awards are open for nominations!

Don’t miss the chance to highlight and celebrate all the work you do in Manchester’s voluntary and community sector. Maybe you volunteer your time or you are part of a community group or you may be from a business that gives back to the community. Whatever it is this is your chance to showcase your work.

The categories are:
Volunteer of the Year
Volunteering Team Award
Employee Volunteering Award
Volunteer Involving Organisation Award
Service User Involving Organisation Award
Inspiring Campaign Award
Partnership and Collaboration Award
Community Space Award
Business Award
Community Cohesion Award
Equalities Award
Health and Wellbeing Award
The Dr Sylvia Sham Award for Contribution to the Sector

For further details, including how to make a nomination, see:

https://www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/spirit-of-manchester/spirit-manchester-awards. The deadline for applications is midnight on 30thApril 2018.


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