Freelance opportunity: AIU Race Relations Resource Centre

Ahmed Iqbal Ullah AIU Race Relations Centre Logo

Freelance Opportunity: AIU Race Relations Resource Centre
Title: Educational Resource Development
Salary: £250 per day
Location: Manchester
e.g. full or part time, state number of hours per week
Contract: 40 days between Jan and April 2021
Closing date: 5pm Wednesday 6 January 2021

The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust are looking for someone to help create a set of lesson/activity plans and other resources using their collections and support teachers and educators to deliver strong anti-racist teaching.

To see the full brief, with details of how to apply, please click here.

One Reply to “”

  1. Thank you for this, and wishing you a Merry Christmas.

    Sue Fox

    Maryport Maritime Museum.

    On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 at 13:18, Museum Development North West wrote:

    > museumdevelopmentnorthwest posted: ” Freelance Opportunity: AIU Race > Relations Resource CentreTitle: Educational Resource DevelopmentSalary: > £250 per dayLocation: ManchesterHours: e.g. full or part time, state number > of hours per weekContract: 40 days between Jan and April 2021Closing d” >

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