Taking Action Against Climate Change: #MuseumCarbonStories Highlights

Today marks the last day of COP26 in Glasgow and so the #MuseumCarbonStories social media campaign comes to an end too. 

The campaign, part of the Roots and Branches project, began on 9th August 2021 as an opportunity for museums to share what actions they have been taking against climate change and a way for the sector to broaden the conversation around the climate crisis with social media audiences. 

Over the 14 weeks of the campaign, weekly themes have inspired responses from organisations across England and beyond. Over 75 organisations have participated, generating over 200 social media posts.

The responses demonstrate, not only what actions museums are and can take, but also how we can use collections to inspire action in others.  The slideshow below shows some examples.

The campaign may have finished, but that isn’t the end of Museum Carbon Stories. Now is the time for action against climate change. What will you do next to reduce your organisational impact? How can you use the collections you hold to spark conversations, debate and action with your visitors, colleagues and stakeholders? Who can you work with locally, regionally, nationally and internationally to collaborate on progressing our individual and organisational responses to the emergency we face together? 

Not everything can be done instantly, and some actions may feel beyond our reach right now, but we must look at what is within our power to change and our sphere of influence to encourage in others. For some inspiration, search the hashtag #MuseumCarbonStories. 

You can also watch recordings of the talks from a whole range of speakers from cultural organisations that contributed to The Carbon Literacy Project’s Museum Sector Day held on 4th November 2021 as part of their presence at COP26. Visit the MDNW YouTube channel:


One Reply to “”

  1. Thank you for this. Sue Fox, Maryport Maritime Museum

    On Fri, 12 Nov 2021 at 09:30, Museum Development North West wrote:

    > museumdevelopmentnorthwest posted: ” Today marks the last day of COP26 in > Glasgow and so the #MuseumCarbonStories social media campaign comes to an > end too. The campaign, part of the Roots and Branches project, began on > 9th August 2021 as an opportunity for museums t” >

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