Roots & Branches: Seeds for Action- Museum Energy Management: Preparing for the Winter (workshops and surgeries)

19th October 2022, 10am- 12pm or 20th October 2022, 2pm-4pm

Museum Development England are working with energy management specialists Pilio to deliver online workshops that explore low and no cost interventions to help save energy in preparation for winter.

The sessions will cover energy management; energy monitoring; boiler settings; internal temperatures; fabric and drafts; lighting; night use minimisation and the use of environmental sensors.

Participants will be given a pack of resource materials following the session – including a copy of the slides, guidance for undertaking an energy audit, and top tips for reducing energy use in their buildings.

There are two workshops available to museums based in the North of England (please note these are repeat sessions so only book on one). Places are limited, no more than two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to attendees from non-NPO and non-National museums in the North of England which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation.

A limited number of follow-up surgeries will be available to attendees at these two workshops; details of how to arrange a surgery will be shared during the events. Priority will be given to those museums who have participated in Carbon Literacy Training for their workforce. 

These workshops are part of Roots & Branches: Seeds for Action Programme, supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

To book a place on the 19th October session, use this link:

To book a place on the 20th October session, use this link:

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